Sunday, February 14, 2010

So i absolutely LOVE V a l e n t i n e s d a y .

I don't mind the overload of chocolate, I don't mind plucking flowers from the pits of their soil comforts and sticking them onto a shelf for a lengthy execution. I don't mind being alone. I don't mind serving happy --cutie-- oooooober sweet romantic .b.l.i.s.s.f.u.l. couples at work. I don't mind the overpriced candy that's been a necessity since 3rd grade. I don't even mind the sidewalkchalk tasting candy hearts engraved with artificial flavors and miraculously never tastes different, even when they're 1,000 years old and so stale the dust in the bottom of the cardboard container is being considered and examines at the Natural History Museum. I don't mind the overpriced greeting cards or required elementary school hand outs you give, even to the smelly kid who you KNOW secretly pees in the class science project plant pot. I don't mind the plastic hearts and the balloons. I don't mind the array of rose petals.

and I don't mind saying/hearing/reading/writing

" i l o v e y o u "

we live in a lonely world where love isn't expressed often enough. celebrating and dedicating a day to the joy and bliss of love has been one of the greatest movements of our society throughout time.
Enjoy it.
Embrace it.

maybe even .L.O.V.E. it.

For some people today is all they have. And today is the perfect chance to say

" i l o v e y o u "

(( ...and mean it. ))

Take the time to enjoy the roses. The chocolates. Even the sidewalkchalk hearts and the overpriced greeting cards.
Valentines only happens one day a year.

but love can last all year long.



.kaitlyn. said...

im obsessed with this. im sending in a secret asap.

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